Friday, October 16, 2020

October 13-16

 We have had a short but busy week.  Students are really showing what they know about reading and writing and are so excited about moving their learning forward.

In Language Arts, we have begun using a writing rubric to reflect on what we know how to do to make a good journal page and what to work on next.  Students are taking time after writing to compare their work to the rubric and assess their own work.

In reading, we have added more words to our word wall and have been practicing them regularly.  We look for these words in the books we are reading and are excited when we recognize them.  Check your child’s Show and Share book for the list of words that they need to work on.  We are also using letter patterns to help us read words that rhyme. We call these word families - __ad family (had, bad, mad, dad, etc) and __op family (top, mop, hop, stop, flop, drop, etc.)

In Science, we are focusing on how we use our senses to learn about our world.  We have been doing activities inside and outside to explore our surroundings and to develop descriptive vocabulary to communicate what we are sensing in our world.

We are continuing Math learning in two important areas.  Students are exploring a variety of simple patterns such as ABAB, AABB, ABC, and AAB.  They are using what they know about patterns to solve an open ended problem.  The other area that we are developing is our understanding of numbers and quantities.  This week we are using dominos to help us recognize dot patterns and their corresponding numbers.  We have some great games that are helping us to recognize how groups of dots go together to make a larger number.

To inspire our work in Art this week, we read the story “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds.  You can find the online book here.  We also looked at the famous art by Kandinsky and began creating our own unique art pieces.  We will post a picture of our finished work in next week’s blog.


Monday October 19 - Home Reading Exchange

Thursday October 22 - Home Reading Exchange

Thursday October 29 - Pumpkin Fest and Hallowe’en Costume day