Friday, November 27, 2020

This Week's work - November 23-27

 It has been a beautiful week to be taking our learning outdoors.  Here are some of the ways we have been exploring our learning in our indoor and outdoor environment:

In Language Arts, we have been working on responding to literature.  Students have listened to a story read by the teacher and written a response about what the story makes them feel, what it reminds them of, and what their favourite part was.  I hope that everyone will have an opportunity this week to go into the google classroom and celebrate their child's work in this area through our celebration of learning.  Please remember to fill out the survey here once you have done this activity with your child.

Our Science work has been centered around using our senses to collect information about our environment.  We listened to the story "The Listening Walk" and then did a listening walk around the school to collect the sounds that we could hear.  We also did this activity during our walk in the coulee.  We were amazed at the variety of sounds we heard.  If you would like to listen to this story with your child, you can find it here.

We have been using our senses of sight and touch to document the growth of our pumpkin plants.  Students have done an amazing job of creating a scientific sketch with labels and short notes in their visual journals.  These plants will come home today and we encourage students to continue to care for them at home.  They will need transplanting to a larger container as soon as possible.  We have also provided a few extra seeds to each student in case they wish to plant again at home.

We were excited to meet with Saa'kokoto this week and hear a new story.  Originally, we were supposed to go to the coulee with him, but due to current restrictions, we switched to an on-line meeting.  We are hoping to go back to in person meetings with him in the future.

Of course, our trip to the coulee was a real highlight of the week.  Students participated in observational experiences, a "See, Think, Wonder" activity at the tipi ring, and an opportunity to do some sketching.  This work provides students with a rich shared experience which helps us connect our classroom work with what is happening in the real world.  It also allows us to develop our descriptive vocabulary in a meaningful way.

In Math, we had our very first written assessment.  This was a brand new experience for our students, but it gave us some great information about what students could demonstrate about their understanding of patterns, numbers, and counting.  Next week, students will bring this home for you to see.  I ask that you review it with your child and sign it.  I would like you to return it to me in the blue folder.

We needed some time this week to finish our patterned artwork that we began last week.  The patterned fish and eels turned out amazing!  My class really enjoyed the chance to explore their math patterns in a more artistic way.

Note - Following Tuesday's announcement, we are busy planning our post-break on-line work.  Our school has PD on Friday December 18th, so our last day of classes will be Thursday December 17th.  Following the break, we have PD on Monday January 4th.  Students will be expected to attend school on-line Tuesday January 5th-Friday January 8th.   If you are requiring help with technology in order to have your child attend school online, please email me as soon as possible or tell me during our upcoming conference.  I can then make arrangements to get your family the support you require. 

Reminder - I have been asked to remind families that the playground areas are closed before and after school.  This is done so that there will be less chance of large groups gathering in our schoolyard spaces.  We are also not allowing students to bring stuffy animals or toys to school as this is a high contact item that can cause problems around our covid protocols.


November 25 - December 4 - Celebration of Learning available in the google classroom
November 28 - Booking for Conferences opens in PowerSchool
November 30 - Home Reading Exchange
December 3 - Early Dismissal (12:40) -Conferences Begin - Home Reading Exchange
December 4 - No School for students - Conferences

Friday, November 20, 2020

This Week's Learning - Nov 16-19

I am really excited about how much growth I am seeing in student work this week.  I gave everyone a chance to show what they knew how to do with some independence and they all rose to the occasion.  Here are some of the work we were exploring:

In Math, our ongoing work with patterns took us to exploring how to use colours to create patterns and then record the pattern using letters.  We also demonstrated our understanding of the core of the pattern.

Another Math challenge this week was working on an open ended word problem.  This is a problem that has more than one solution.  Students used their counters and drew pictures to find possible answers.  This really shows their level of Mathematical thinking.

In writing, we are working on using a new rubric to guide our work.  Students are looking at examples provided and identifying which one looks most like their own writing.  They are then looking at the next step to set a goal to improve their work.  We look forward to sharing this work with you next week in our Virtual Celebration of Learning.

Our Social Studies work has been focused on how to make ourselves and others feel better through acts of kindness.  We read the books "How Full is Your Bucket" and "Have you Filled a Bucket Today" to help students develop their understanding of how acts of kindness can make others feel better and that it makes us feel good too!  Students demonstrated their understanding through drawing pictures and writing about things that they can do for others.


Monday November 23 - Work with Saa'kokoto - Home Reading Exchange
Tuesday November 24 - Trip to the Coulee
Wednesday November 25 - Virtual Celebration of Learning - Information coming next week
Thursday November 26- Home Reading Exchange

Friday, November 13, 2020

This Week's Learning Nov 9-13

With Remembrance Day being this week, our focus on learning has been on developing our awareness of the world around us.  Here are some of the things we have worked on:

We have continued to develop our understanding of Remembrance Day and ways to express our appreciation to the members of the military that have served our country.  This has included sharing stories related to peace and war, such as "Finding Winnie" and "The Butter Battle". Students appreciated being able to view the slideshow of members of the military who are/were related to Tuscany families and to show their respect through participation in our Virtual Remembrance Day Ceremony.  We hope that our friends and family members were able to view this ceremony and that everyone was able to take some time on Wednesday to observe this special day.

In Language Arts this week, we have been working on extending our beginning reading strategies.  These are some of the ways we use to solve unfamiliar words in the texts that we are reading:

Eagle Eyes - Look at the pictures for clues

Lips the Fish - Make the sound of the first letter to give you a hint

Stretchy Snake - Say each sound slowly, stretching it out so you can hear the word

We have nearly finished reviewing the sounds of the consonants and vowels and are using our sounds and our sight words (list words) to help us read simple text independently.

We have spent the past few weeks in Phys. Ed. working with scoops and balls both in the gym and outside.  Students have been able to explore throwing and catching activities and to develop their hand-eye coordination.

Our pumpkin seeds from our jack-o-lanterns were successfully germinated over the weekend, and students were able to study, sketch, and plant them.  We will be making observations over the next few weeks and learning about what plants need in order to grow.

Our Math this week has been focussed on how to represent numbers in a variety of ways.  We have been using our beaded number lines to show two digit numbers and explore the way our number lines help us to see the groups of 5's and 10's inside a number.  If you would like to make a beaded number line at home, you can find out how by clicking this link.

Our Virtual Book Fair is now available for everyone.  Our book fair sales are one of the ways that our school raises money to buy new materials for our library, so please consider supporting this event.


Monday November 16 - Home Reading Exchange
Thursday November 19 - Home Reading Exchange
Friday November 20 - PD - No School for Students

Friday, November 6, 2020

Our Learning This Week - November 2-6


Mrs. Hamm’s class has welcomed a student teacher Mr. Muir.  He is working primarily with Mrs. Hamm’s class, but the students in Mrs. Batchelor’s class may also work with him from time to time.  He started on Monday and will be with the class for the next five weeks and he is expected to return in the spring for another eight weeks as well

We have had a return to some beautiful fall weather this week, which helped us get out and observe and discuss what is happening in the fall season.  Students worked to complete their Signs of Fall page in their visual journal to include what plants and trees, animals, and people do in the fall.

Last week, we worked on sketching and comparing pumpkins and counting seeds.  This week, we have been taking a closer look at the seeds and are germinating them.  Then we will be planting them in order to learn more.  Students are excited to look at the world from the perspective of a scientist and to hone their observational skills.

In math, we worked on counting collections and finding a way to group objects and count them in the matching way.  Some students chose to group and count by 1’s, 2’,s 5’s and 10’s.  Students then recorded their thinking with the focus on recording with accuracy.  

We finished the art for our contribution to the Remembrance Day Ceremony Video and invite you to watch the link that will be sent out closer to the day.  Students will be watching the video on Tuesday to participate in the ceremony.

As a part of our COVID 19 adjustments, we have been learning how to sign O Canada instead of singing it.  Here are the links in case your child wants to practice more at home prior to Tuesday.

Link to "O Canada" showing ASL

Link to teaching process for "O Canada"

Link showing how to sign the word 'us', as in all of us command

We have focused on using Google Classroom this week.  Everyone accepted the link in their gmail and now is going into the classroom to explore different links and word work learning tasks.  We introduced some very simple Jam Boards which is a part of google suite.  Students have begun to explore turning in an assignment by submitting it.  This is ongoing learning and you can check it out with your child at home, it is not expected to be completed at home at this time.  This is an opportunity for students to explore getting on the computer, get into the google classroom and gain confidence using these tools as a part of our daily learning environment at school.  Your child’s gmail address and password can be found in their show and share book.


Nov 9: Home Reading Book Exchange
Nov 10: Remembrance Day Ceremony

Nov 11: No School

Nov 12: Home Reading Book Exchange

Link to Scholastic online flyers - No Due Date for ordering online and delivery to your home.