Mrs. Hamm’s class has welcomed a student teacher Mr. Muir. He is working primarily with Mrs. Hamm’s class, but the students in Mrs. Batchelor’s class may also work with him from time to time. He started on Monday and will be with the class for the next five weeks and he is expected to return in the spring for another eight weeks as well
We have had a return to some beautiful fall weather this week, which helped us get out and observe and discuss what is happening in the fall season. Students worked to complete their Signs of Fall page in their visual journal to include what plants and trees, animals, and people do in the fall.
Last week, we worked on sketching and comparing pumpkins and counting seeds. This week, we have been taking a closer look at the seeds and are germinating them. Then we will be planting them in order to learn more. Students are excited to look at the world from the perspective of a scientist and to hone their observational skills.
In math, we worked on counting collections and finding a way to group objects and count them in the matching way. Some students chose to group and count by 1’s, 2’,s 5’s and 10’s. Students then recorded their thinking with the focus on recording with accuracy.
We finished the art for our contribution to the Remembrance Day Ceremony Video and invite you to watch the link that will be sent out closer to the day. Students will be watching the video on Tuesday to participate in the ceremony.
As a part of our COVID 19 adjustments, we have been learning how to sign O Canada instead of singing it. Here are the links in case your child wants to practice more at home prior to Tuesday.
Link to "O Canada" showing ASL
Link to teaching process for "O Canada"
Link showing how to sign the word 'us', as in all of us command
We have focused on using Google Classroom this week. Everyone accepted the link in their gmail and now is going into the classroom to explore different links and word work learning tasks. We introduced some very simple Jam Boards which is a part of google suite. Students have begun to explore turning in an assignment by submitting it. This is ongoing learning and you can check it out with your child at home, it is not expected to be completed at home at this time. This is an opportunity for students to explore getting on the computer, get into the google classroom and gain confidence using these tools as a part of our daily learning environment at school. Your child’s gmail address and password can be found in their show and share book.
Nov 11: No School
Nov 12: Home Reading Book Exchange
Link to Scholastic online flyers - No Due Date for ordering online and delivery to your home.