It has been a beautiful week to be taking our learning outdoors. Here are some of the ways we have been exploring our learning in our indoor and outdoor environment:
In Language Arts, we have been working on responding to literature. Students have listened to a story read by the teacher and written a response about what the story makes them feel, what it reminds them of, and what their favourite part was. I hope that everyone will have an opportunity this week to go into the google classroom and celebrate their child's work in this area through our celebration of learning. Please remember to fill out the survey here once you have done this activity with your child.
Our Science work has been centered around using our senses to collect information about our environment. We listened to the story "The Listening Walk" and then did a listening walk around the school to collect the sounds that we could hear. We also did this activity during our walk in the coulee. We were amazed at the variety of sounds we heard. If you would like to listen to this story with your child, you can find it here.
We have been using our senses of sight and touch to document the growth of our pumpkin plants. Students have done an amazing job of creating a scientific sketch with labels and short notes in their visual journals. These plants will come home today and we encourage students to continue to care for them at home. They will need transplanting to a larger container as soon as possible. We have also provided a few extra seeds to each student in case they wish to plant again at home.
We were excited to meet with Saa'kokoto this week and hear a new story. Originally, we were supposed to go to the coulee with him, but due to current restrictions, we switched to an on-line meeting. We are hoping to go back to in person meetings with him in the future.
Of course, our trip to the coulee was a real highlight of the week. Students participated in observational experiences, a "See, Think, Wonder" activity at the tipi ring, and an opportunity to do some sketching. This work provides students with a rich shared experience which helps us connect our classroom work with what is happening in the real world. It also allows us to develop our descriptive vocabulary in a meaningful way.
In Math, we had our very first written assessment. This was a brand new experience for our students, but it gave us some great information about what students could demonstrate about their understanding of patterns, numbers, and counting. Next week, students will bring this home for you to see. I ask that you review it with your child and sign it. I would like you to return it to me in the blue folder.
We needed some time this week to finish our patterned artwork that we began last week. The patterned fish and eels turned out amazing! My class really enjoyed the chance to explore their math patterns in a more artistic way.
Note - Following Tuesday's announcement, we are busy planning our post-break on-line work. Our school has PD on Friday December 18th, so our last day of classes will be Thursday December 17th. Following the break, we have PD on Monday January 4th. Students will be expected to attend school on-line Tuesday January 5th-Friday January 8th. If you are requiring help with technology in order to have your child attend school online, please email me as soon as possible or tell me during our upcoming conference. I can then make arrangements to get your family the support you require.
Reminder - I have been asked to remind families that the playground areas are closed before and after school. This is done so that there will be less chance of large groups gathering in our schoolyard spaces. We are also not allowing students to bring stuffy animals or toys to school as this is a high contact item that can cause problems around our covid protocols.