Friday, December 11, 2020

Our Work This Week Dec 7-11

 As we work our way through the month of December, our class is working to make sure that we are thinking of others during this festive time of year.

We began our week with an art project called "Elf Yourself". Students used a photo of their face and then created an elf character.  These elves are wandering the halls of Tuscany School looking for ways to help students and teachers.

We did some amazing elf writing using descriptive words to tell how our elves move and what wonderful things they are doing.

Our Social Studies work this week has been focussed around belonging.  We read a story about how to help everyone feel like they belong.  We talked about all of the people, places, and groups that we belong with and we began working on a visual to show where we belong. 

In Math we did some more problem solving as a group and then on our own.  Students are getting better at using pictures to show their thinking.  We also did work on organizing bigger and smaller numbers and on showing the skip counting patterns on a one hundred board.

We expressed our artistic side through colours and patterns.  We reviewed a number of different visual patterns and students then chose how to express their creativity through placing a variety of designs on either a reindeer or a polar bear.  We have placed our artwork facing outwards on our windows.  Each class in the school is currently displaying their art this way.  Today we walked around the school to view all of the displays.  We encourage families to take time to do the same.


December 14-18 - Festive Wear - Students are encouraged to wear the favourite Seasonal clothes, hats, antlers, etc.
Monday December 14 - Home Reading Exchange
Wednesday December 16 - Winter Celebration (Virtual) - Our recorded celebration will be viewed in school by the students in their classes.  Families will be able to view it at home on that day after 4 pm
Thursday December 17 - Last Day of Classes - Pajama Day!
Friday December 18 - Monday January 4 - No School for students (Dec 18 and Jan 4 are PD )
Tuesday January 5- Friday January 8 - School will be on-line
Monday January 11- Back to school in person (we hope)

Note - We are currently setting up schedules and designing our on-line learning for the week following the winter break.  You will receive an email prior to the holidays outlining what my vision is for this time and what the learning will look like for you child.