Friday, February 5, 2021

Carnaval and Other Things - February 1-5

 Our second annual Carnaval De Tuscany has gotten off to a great start!  We have been busy celebrating our winter culture by participating in a variety of outdoor activities.  We have also been immersing ourselves in French Canadian culture through language, music, and art experiences.  Here are some details about our work:

For our Phys. Ed, we have been doing some great outdoor experiences including, Scoots, Snowshoes and some sliding.  We also started our skipping unit in the gym.

In Science, we continued to learn about how animals adapt to the cold of winter.  We learned about what animals in our neighbourhood are still active in winter and what they do in order to survive. Students recorded their favourite active winter animal to record and wrote in their own words what adaptations the animals have or behaviors that they use to be successful in our cold climate.

Students have had a great time learning about some of the traditions associated with winter Carnaval.  We played the musical spoons, and made our effigies of Bonhomme.  We thoroughly enjoyed the music of Folklofolie and have been listening to a variety of french music in class.  

Our writing this week was centered around recording information in Science and on reflecting on our personal experience of snowshoeing.  Students are becoming much more confident in their ability to write complete sentences and are working to be more descriptive in their work.


Monday February 8 - Palais du Glass - Please bring your ice blocks in the morning and leave them on the north side of the outdoor classroom near the sign for my class - Home Reading exchange
Wednesday February 10 - Wear Red and Read - Students are encouraged to wear red or pink clothing and to bring a favourite book from home to share with the class - Students are not to bring paper valentines to school - we will be creating positive messages to display at school
Thursday -Friday - February 11 & 12 - Teacher's Convention - No school for students
Monday February 15 - Family Day - No School for Students
Friday February 19 - 100th Day of School!