Friday, February 26, 2021

Our Learning This Week - Feb 22-26

 We had a tremendous time with our learning this week and accomplished so much.  We can't wait to share everything with you.

In Language Arts, we began writing our circle stories that we planned last week.  Students were challenged to find more than one reason that their main character was unhappy for the beginning of the story.  Students are working to add details and descriptive words to their work.

In Math, we practiced our "counting on" strategy for addition and we are all able to successfully use it to calculate addition equations.  We worked this week on adding one and two just by counting quickly in our heads.  Learning these strategies helps us to be quicker with adding number and helps us to develop our mental Math.

As we have been working on friendship skills, Pink Shirt Day was the perfect opportunity to share ways to be kind, support friends, and prevent bullying.  Students all chose a caring message and helped us to create a large pink shirt as a class.  Each child had his or her picture taken with the shirt and we will put these in their visual journals.

In our Social Studies work about belonging to our community, we decided to take advantage of the amazing weather and do a walk around Tuscany.  With the recent snow, we chose to take our snowshoes along and use them to explore some field and forest areas in the green spaces close to our school.  We also went to the ridge path to look out at the view of the mountains, the river, the ski hill and even the downtown.  It prompted some great discussions about what is our community and how can we take care of the special place where we live.

Our Science work has been focused around the signs of winter and how plants, trees, and animals survive in the cold.  Friday is our virtual assembly day and it was room 152's turn to share, so we made a video about how animals cope with winter.  Here is the link to the video for you to enjoy.

In Art this week we explored using plasticine as a medium for making pictures.  We modeled our work after the Canadian author and illustrator Barbara Reid.  Our snowman pictures are already on display in the hallway by our classroom.

I noticed that many families have not yet had a chance to participate in the Celebration of Learning.  Please make time to get into the Google Classroom and get the directions for this activity.  The kids are excited to share their stories with you.


Monday March 1 - Home Reading Exchange   - The start of Read-a-Thon

Thursday March 4 - Home Reading Exchange

Saturday March 6 - Booking for Parent Conferences (Conference dates March 11th and 12th)