Friday, March 5, 2021

This Week's Learning - March 1-5

 It is so nice to have such mild weather at the start of the new month.  Of course, we know that winter is not over yet, so we are still prepared for the snow and cold that will come our way.  Here are some things that we worked on this past week:

Students worked hard to demonstrate their understanding of what is happening with trees, plants, animals, and people during our winter seasons.  We shared some things that we do in our houses and yards to cope with winter and also talked about some of our favourite winter activities.  Students have become much more independent in showing their ideas in pictures and labels.  They are also able to express their ideas and their creativity in this work.

In Language Arts we have been working on using writing to share our thoughts and ideas about work we have done in class.  Students are learning to reflect on their own work and how they feel about it.  They are able to share what is meaningful to them and to have others read what they have written.

In Art, students have been working to develop their observation and sketching skills.  We practiced making a variety of types of lines and shapes.  We went outside to sketch a tree in winter.  We also looked at a picture of a dear and looked for shapes that could help us to create a realistic picture.  We learned how to use light and dark lines and shading to give our sketch some texture.

Next week we will have a chance to talk via video conference about your child's progress in grade one.  Please make sure that you log into your Powerschool account to book a conference for Thursday afternoon/evening or Friday morning.


Monday March 8- Home Reading Exchange
Thursday March 11 - Early Dismissal - 12:40 - Conferences 2:00-8:00 pm
Friday March 12 - No School for students - Conferences 8:00 am - Noon